Claire Lussier

  • What do you love most about working at IA Business Advisors?

    I love the fact that I find myself surrounded by people consciously working on self-improvement and growing in their respective areas of influence. I love that even when working independently, I constantly feel that I am a part of a larger team.

    I love the fact that Daisy is always a welcome member of the IA family!

  • What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

    “Pay attention. Do your best.” – My Dad

    (This has always been my dad’s standard send off to myself and my sisters, whether on our way to school or work, the message has always remained consistent.)

    “I want you to remind yourself each day how lucky you are. Lucky to be alive and healthy. Gratitude is the most healing mindset we can embody – try to hold onto it.” – My sister Grace  

    (My sister has always had a beautiful way of sharing her wisdom, for which I am boundlessly grateful.)

  • What would you want your superpower to be if you were a superhero?

    So hard to choose! While I’m tempted to pick “Time Manipulation” this power seems like it would be too easy to abuse even with the best intentions. Instead, I will go with “Limitless Language & Communications Comprehension.” I would love to have the ability to speak and understand all known languages.

  • What are some of your personal goals?

    Currently, a personal goal of mine is to work on developing a schedule that prioritizes meeting the needs of each area of my life (professionally and personally). With the time I create for my personal life, I aim to spend more time reading for fun and experimenting in the kitchen. I also have set a goal for myself to try something new and adventurous every 6 months (if not more!).

  • What is your personal motto?

    Be kind. Kindness, in your actions and in your words, creates a ripple effect. You can never be sure how far-reaching your impact may be.

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